Everyone knows that the FAQ is kind of lacking. So the staff thought it might be a good idea to ask YOU the Players what questions you think should be in the FAQ. If you have a question you see a lot of first year students asking then Petition it to the staff and we will take it under advisement for the FAQ.

New Trailer for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Hello everyone, the time is growing near (though it originally the whole movie was supposed to be out next month which would have been very near). Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is coming soon, and now a new trailer is out, and here it is, enjoy everybody!

Donations for Points

Players if you are wanting to donate to HL For the points you MUST use the Site Admin button. If you use the Author button you WILL NOT get any points. HL does not receive that money. Soon there will be a new button making this easier to understand but in the mean time be sure to use the Site Admin button or you will not get points.

Better Browsing

I felt that now would be a good time to remind everyone that just because your computer comes with Internet Explorer, doesn't mean that's the best choice for web browsing.

Internet Explorer is not Standards Compliant, and as such has a tendancy to act weird when it encounters different web technologies.

The Live chat on HL is one of them. I am working on a workaround that will allow the live chat to work better in Internet Explorer, but being able to use our live chat is not the only reason you should consider using a better browser.

Consider Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or the brand new Google Chrome, all of which are based on standards compliant technologies and work better not just on HogwartsLive, but on Google, and on various other advanced websites waiting for you to explore them.

I strongly recommend either Firefox or Google Chrome on Windows, and Firefox or Safari on Mac. Firefox has a wealth of extensions available that make the web a better place.

The brand new Google Chrome has a super fast and super secure rendering engine, has advancements that makes Google AJAX Services like GMail work better, and has Google Gears built right in (Gears is available as an Extension on Firefox, and has some significant improvements to JavaScript)

If you spend a lot of your time on Social Networking sites, you may also want to consider Flock, Flock is heavily based on Firefox, with several additions that make it even easier to work with Social Networking Sites, but even with those advancements, it still renders web pages just as well as Firefox.

So if you are still on Internet Explorer, come see the better life on one of the browsers I mentioned above.

Something Wicked this way comes...

In Celebration of Halloween, we have brought back a couple of old modules, try your hand at carving a Jack-O-Lantern in Hogwarts, and find the perfect companion for you at the Magical Menagerie in Diagon Alley.

And now for something completely different...

I am, now and always, a Ravenclaw, it's what I am meant to be. My intellect is very important to me, but not all of my Ravenclaws are meant to be one forever, nor is every Hufflepuff meant to be a Hufflepuff forever.

To this end, we have decided to make it possible for people to change their houses once they have been a member of their house for at least 3 months.

If you have been a member of your current house for at least 3 months and want to switch to another hogwarts house, you may do so by going into your Common Room and then clicking on
Change House Affiliation

Remember however that once you have changed your house, you will not be able to do it again for three more months.

Also, Prefects are not able to change their house until they have gotten their Head of House to demote them back to Member status.

I hope some of you who have been hoping to change your house enjoy this new feature of the House Cup Championship!

Personal Attacks

It has come to our attention that personal attacks are getting out of hand lately. This MoTD is a warning to EVERYONE, you will only get one other warning before you get muted for personal attacks. A reminder of what personal attacks are (taken from the Rules):
Taunting opponents is fine as long as it is roleplayed, but personal attacks are not allowed. Keep all teasing site-related. Personal attacks(bringing someones real life into it) and insulting remarks should be kept off the public channels such as the forums and the chats. It is preferable that you keep arguments off the site or ignore players that irritate you.

If you would like someone to leave you alone in owls that are not breaking site rules, go to your Friends List and click Friend Search. From there you type in the name of the player and when its finds the player, click ignore next to their name. If they are breaking site rules, for example: harassing you, do the same thing, but Report the Owls to Admin which can be done when you open the Owl.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

LOS ANGELES - The release date for the sixth Harry Potter movie, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," was pushed back on Thursday to July 2009 from its original slot in November 2008, movie studio Warner Bros. said.

Warner Bros., a unit of Time Warner Inc, said it had decided to make the change to bolster its release schedule for the lucrative summer moviegoing season -- a period that can account for as much as 40 percent of Hollywood's annual box office receipts.

To read the full article, click here

We have a winner!

Beastmaster audrik has won a brand new blue iPod Shuffle. To all of you who entered the Candy Raffle and lost better luck next time!

The Tales of Beedle the Bard to be published this December

It was announced today that The Tales of Beedle the Bard will be made available to all Harry Potter fans in December. Here is what J.K. Rowling said about it.

The Tales of Beedle the BardThere was understandable disappointment among Harry Potter fans when only one copy of "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" was offered to the public last December. I am therefore delighted to announce that, thanks to the generous support of Bloomsbury, Scholastic and Amazon (who bought the handwritten copy at auction) - and with the blessing of the wonderful people who own the other six original books - "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" will now be widely available to all Harry Potter fans. Royalties will be donated to the Children's High Level Group, to benefit institutionalized children in desperate need of a voice. The new edition will include the Tales themselves, translated from the original runes by Hermione Granger, and with illustrations by me, but also notes by Professor Albus Dumbledore, which appear by generous permission of the Hogwarts Headmasters' Archive.' 'Dumbledore's commentary on the Tales, which was discovered among his papers after his death, includes some historical notes, personal reminiscences, and insights into that most mysterious branch of magic: wandlore. I very much hope that readers coming to these classic wizarding fables for the first time will find his commentary both entertaining and helpful.

The Standard Edition includes the five fairy tales from the original The Tales of Beedle the Bard sold at Auction to Amazon last year for $4 million dollars.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard - Collector's EditionIn addition to the Standard Edition which will be widely available there will also be a Collectors Edition of the book sold exclusively by Amazon. The Collectors Edition includes an outer case disguised as a wizarding textbook from the Hogwarts library, exclusive reproduction of J.K. Rowling's handwritten introduction, 10 new illustrations by J.K. Rowling not included in the Standard Edition or the original handcrafted edition, a velvet bag embroidered with J.K. Rowling's signature, metal skull, corners, clasp, replica gemstones, and an emerald ribbon. Pre-orders are being taken now on Amazon.