Edmund says...

-says, "I'm removing less important modules until after the upgrade is done"
- :says, "Several of the secondary cities have been removed"
- :says, "As have a few of the simple stat bar things like display of charm and new day guages"
- :says, "New Days themselves are not gone, just the bar that displays when the next one is"

Everything will come back after Danilo has done the upgrade to the new version. Things from the missing villages have been put into the remaining villages so please just explore the site.

Another Crash

The site experienced another crash yesterday. The accounts table was completely lost but Edmund was able to restore from the previous night's back-ups so all basic stats are from then. This is why you may be a lower level then what you were before logging out last, or your weapon/armor may not be the same or gold balance may be different, etc. Although the data was lost from a period of less than 24 hours, it WAS restored to previous stats so nothing was lost except time.

Amelieine's Music Shop

The Music Shop that was in Hogsmeade has been removed as it was causing problems. At this point, we do not know if it will be brought back.

The Candy Raffles are back!

We are less than a month away from the release of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on DVD and HogwartsLive, Wizards.FM, and Wizards.Pro are giving away a copy of the two disk special edition. The Candy Raffle is open in Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, come trade in your Bertie Botts beans for raffle tickets to win!

Site Working Again!

Again, sorry for the problems. I temporarily fixed the issue that Witchy mentioned, until Edmund has time to look into this, I'll try to make sure the site gets recovered faster if it goes down again. I'm currently under a lot of pressure from school, with midterms this week for my on-campus classes, and a final for one of my online classes nearing. I've just been swamped with project after project. Please be patient, we will trying something out in the coming weeks that should fix the any issues regarding crashing, though it could be pricey so first we'll have to explore whether or not it's a viable option for HL.


The site is still experiencing problems. We are aware of it and are trying to correct them. While most people can log into the site, once they are in, they get a call stack error and are stuck. Petitioning to fix navs will not work as Staff is stuck too (and the fact that its not a navs issue anyway). All the names you see in the Online List are people who have tried and failed to get onto the site...myself included. Please bear with us while we try to sort out the problems. Edmund and Danilo are doing all they can to get the site back up and running properly.

Thanks :)

ADDED:You may also visit http://harrypotter.wizards.pro and check the forums there or just poke around that site. We are trying to keep that updated as well.

Site problems and code pages

We are well aware that there are problems with the site, and people are getting code pages, call stack error pages, and white screens. PLEASE stop petitioning about them. Thank you.


Sorry, for the recent downtime the site crashed again, and Edmund was only able to recently get everything back up. Edmund also was able to move the database over to the new hard drive, which hopefully should speed up the site a little. Thanks for your patience. :)


Earlier this afternoon, the site crashed again. Edmund did all he could to try to restore it, but the only way to get the site back up was to do a rollback. This means that all the data from the past day and a half or so is gone. We cannot restore stats because there is nothing to restore. It's like going back in time..it hasn't happened yet. Please do not petition concerning lost stats as they will not be answered.

Dumblydore and Halloween

JKR has announced something about Dumbledore. If you want to read the article, it is the top article on http://harrypotter.wizards.pro/

Any rude or hateful comments about this will not be tolerated.

On a brighter note I will be adding a Halloween gift sometime tonight. Niki