Here is a reminder of the site rules so no one has any excuse to not follow them. This is the version used by all Staff so please do not question if it is not in another part of the site.
Reasons for muting:
1. Fighting: I do not mean RP fighting, I mean verbal assaults. Violence is NOT muteable...
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Repost of Witchys rules.
Site Rules
Here is a reminder (again) of the site rules so no one has any excuse to not follow them. This is the version used by all Staff so please do not question if it is not in another part of the site. And please be sure to read through them even if you think you already know what they are; something...
Site Rules
Since we are getting new players, I'm posting the site rules again so no one has any excuse to not follow them. This is the version used by all Staff so please do not question if it is not in another part of the site. And please be sure to read through them even if you think you already know...
Here is a reminder of the site rules so no one has any excuse to not follow them. This is the version used by all Staff so please do not question if it is not in another part of the site. And please be sure to read through them even if you think you already know what they are; something might...