Deleted Accounts

I will restore what I can of deleted accounts on Sunday, so please bear with us until then. Thank you for your continued patience.

It Happened Again

All User Preferences were reset again. This includes Friends, Squires, Pets, Alignment, Charm Display, Player Kills, the ability to reset PvP opt out option until after your next ve, Default Commentary Colors and possibly other assorted small things that I can't remember right now. EDIT: This also includes Special Skills, Lumberyard Stats and Quarry (stone) stats.

I do not know any other details at the moment but as soon as I find out, I will post another announcement.

Please do not petition asking for an stats to be restored as they won't be.

Staff List

This is for the new players, for those of you who already know please bear with me. Someone with a & in front of their name is a moderator. Someone with a @ in front of their name is either a Senior Moderator or Junior Admin. Someone with a ! in front of their name is an Admin or higher. This site is ran by !Headmaster Danilo.


Donator Points!
Beans per Ticket: 20
A lot of people have lost things they have purchased with donator points in the recent server crashes, here is a way to get some donator points back, enter the latest donator points raffle. 10 lucky winners will each win donator points equal to 10 times the number of tickets purchased in this raffle up to a maximum of 20,000 donator points. If 1000 tickets are sold, each of the 10 winners will win 10,000 donator points. If 2000 or more tickets are sold, each lucky winner will win 20,000 donator points! So enter now, enter often, and win your donator points!
Raffle Runs From 2007-08-06 to 2007-08-13
There are 6 days, 23 hours, 3 minutes and 56 seconds left to purchase tickets in this raffle.

Special Pets

For those had a Black Cat or a Killer Bunny as pets, we have put them back in the pet shop for one (1) week. They will return to their Special Pet status on Monday, August 13 and will no longer be available for purchase.

Wow what a weekend

Welcome back HogwartsLive, I am deeply sorry that it took me all weekend to get it working again after the last crash, but I actually was not aware it had broken again until Sunday as I was away from my computer friday night and all of Saturday.

Suffusive to say there was another database crash and the backups would not restore cleanly, the backup files had a number of glitches in them and I had to restore it through a series of trial and error. I would attempt to restore, be told there was a problem on a particular line, then open up the backup file in an editor, fix the error on the line, save it, and try to restore it again. I then had to repeat this cycle over and over again until the database would cleanly restore.

I'm sorry again for the outage. I've also manually reinstalled the database engine in hopes that it will make the database server more stable as we've had 2 major crashes and a number of minor ones in the course of a week and a half.

Why do we fall? So we can pick ourselves up again.

There was a massive data crash through the weekend and into yesterday that significantly damaged the module user preferences table of the database, the problem goes back for weeks actually and the only way to safely get the lost data back is to backtrack the entire site back 2 weeks.

The table contained ancillary statistics such as alignment, pets (including phoenixes), horcruxes, and some simple stats and does not directly effect your VEs, levels, attack, defense, hitpoints, clans, dwellings, marriages, gold, or gems.

On a side note the table had become quite littered over the years and was the primary reason the site has been running as slow as it is, it was the primary reason that we were planning a data reset, in order to clean that messed up table once and for all and build anew.

As the loss of this data has resulted in a rather significant increase in server speed, AND does not hurt the core stats of any of our users, AND because recovering the data would require hurting the core stats of our users, we are not going to be recovering any this data. We apologize to those of you who were extra proud of those particular stats (particularly those of you who had managed to become either very good or very evil), but we are confident that it is in the best interest of the game and you to keep the game running fast so you can earn those stats back up again.

I have some changes I'll be adding to the live chat system in the next couple of weeks that should also add a significant speed increase to the site as a whole, so I hope to keep things running fast and smooth.

Again we are sorry for the inconvenience at the loss of the data, but we are committed to giving you a fast, enjoyable game.

Please do not ask any of the staff to restore any particular stat for you, they aren't hard to get back, and the journey is half the fun after all.

EDIT: Hp IS affected. It is reset after you ve. As of right now, there is nothing that can be done so you will have to buy it again from Cedrik in the Hogs Head Inn in Hogsmeade. Also affected are Squires (Knights/Warlords), Friends Lists, Player Kills and PvP options. As of right now, you do not have the option to turn PvP off so be sure to deposit your gold somewhere before you log out..or I will kill you and take it, haha. I have 26,000 PKs to get back :P

EDIT: There has been a change concerning hitpoints. Starting now, ANY extra permanent hp that you buy from Cedrik will be taken away after EVERY ve. If you choose to buy extra hp, it will stay with you until you reach level 15 and defeat Voldy, BUT as soon as you get to the New Day Page, it will be GONE. This is a permanent adjustment and will happen EVERY time you ve.

EDIT: The PvP opt out option has been reactivated although you will not be able to opt out until after your next ve.

Can't we all just get along?!?

We KNOW the server is slow. We KNOW there are a lot of new firsties. Without these new accounts, this site would DIE. I'm SURE all you older players don't want the site to die and the truth of the matter is, when registration was closed, the site was STILL slow. Not AS slow, I know, but STILL slow. When it was just you older players logging on, at the ABSOLUTE most, there were about 36 players logged in at one time. NOW, there is TWICE that and believe it or not, that's a GOOD thing. I'm very sorry you all seem SO inconvenienced that you can't log in when you want to and you actually have to wait, but guess what? THAT'S LIFE. Edmund and Danilo are trying to figure out what the problem is and until they do figure it out, this is the way it is. All of you coming on here making snide comments about the speed or rude comments concerning the firsties is NOT helping and is only causing ALL the Staff to get frustrated. Frustrated Staff means MORE warnings and MORE mutes. Consider that a warning.

Ottery St. Catchpole: Spoiler Village

Because the seventh and final Harry Potter book was just released, we know a lot of people will want to talk about it. As you can see from the previous MoTD, if you talk about the book or movie or any spoiler in a public chat, you will be muted and/or banned.

To avoid this, we have created a special place for people to talk freely about the books and movies without spoiling it for everyone else. It is called Ottery St. Catchpole, and you have the option to go to that village when you travel.

When you get there, there are two separate rooms for talking about the Order of the Phoenix movie or the Deathly Hallows book so you can safely go to this place without worrying about seeing something by accident, and everyone can get there. Have fun, and remember to keep spoilers to those chats ONLY.

Deathly Hallows

We are counting down here in the US til Book 7 is finally released...and we all want to find out for ourselves what happens so here is your warning...

Do NOT come onto this site and reveal ANYTHING about Deathly Hallows. If you do, you will be PERM MUTED AND BANNED. THIS IS YOUR ONLY WARNING!!! The ONLY place to talk about the book is in OWLS and that is ONLY with people who WANT to know. ANY breaking of this rule will result in a BAN.

Edit: Players who think they are being funny by posting fake plot details or any other kind of spoiler about the book will suffer the same consequences and will be MUTED AND BANNED. THIS IS YOUR ONLY WARNING.