Clarification on Content and use of words

Just to clarify what IS and what is NOT allowed as far as content... NO sexual comments and NO innuendo. NONE. Doing either will get you a warning and depending on severity, a mute. No private body part naming. No kicking, pinching, hitting, licking, poking, tapping, touching, or ANY other verb you can think of to said body parts. Balls and nuts have been refiltered. No using these two words or any other regular word in a way that could be deemed inappropriate by staff. Staff STILL has the final say on what is suitable for chat and what is not, so if you are warned, please do not argue in chat. Any other words that have been recently removed from the filtered list WILL go back on if they are abused. Please use common sense. You may petiton if you feel you were wrongly warned.

New Raffles!!

See OotP on us!!
10 beans a ticket, see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on us! One winner of this raffle will win $15 in Fandango Bucks (please only enter this raffle if $15 in Fandango Bucks would be in any way useful to you, we recommend going to and seeing if you are able to buy tickets for your local theater before entering).
Raffle Runs From 2007-06-26 to 2007-07-05

Get a FREE Custom Title!
This raffle will end on Friday so hurry and buy your tickets! For only 20 beans per chance, ONE winner will receive a custom title with one change to last until reset! So, hurry up and find those beans and get raffling! (Custom title rules will be owled to winner)
Raffle Runs From 2007-06-26 to 2007-06-29

Sharing Passwords

In light of recent events, we would like to remind people that the sharing of passwords and/or accounts is NOT allowed. We will not tolerate any situations in which someone complains of their friend taking gold from their account, their friend spamming while on their account or their friend doing something else which gets that account holder in trouble. YOU are responsible for your OWN account(s). We WILL mute and we WILL ban for problems arising from password sharing.

The Server Crash

Despite the fears of several staff members, I have been able to positively verify that only one account was lost in tonight's server crash. I have recovered the said account from last night's automated backup without rolling back anyone else. We thank you for your patience during this problem.

I also apologize for my personal slowness in addressing this particular crash. I am on vacation in Texas to attend my younger brother's wedding, and so my online time is a bit less active then usual, at the time of the crash I was enjoying myself in the swimming pool, and didn't know anything of the problem until much later.

Have a wonderful weekend and be sure to wish your Father a happy father's day if you can.

On Vacation

I will be in the Philippines from June 17 - July 8. I will most likely be very difficult to reach during this time period, meaning any issues I usually handle will either be taken care of by someone else or put on hold until my return.

Site Rules

Here is a reminder (again) of the site rules so no one has any excuse to not follow them. This is the version used by all Staff so please do not question if it is not in another part of the site. And please be sure to read through them even if you think you already know what they are; something might have changed.

Reasons for muting:

1. Fighting: I do not mean RP fighting, I mean verbal assaults. Violence is NOT muteable unless it is a REAL threat. Roleplaying fighting is not a threat.
2. Sex and PDA: Use your common sense- we are a PG 13 site, half of the things done here should not be done and this WILL be enforced.
3. Evading the Filter: If a word shows up as !@#$ when it posts, do NOT change it so others can read it. Using foreign languages in open chat is also considered evading. Don't do it.
4. Drugs, alcohol and other bannable subjects. Any reference to drug use, alcohol use other than site-related, cutting, suicide or other forms of self-mutilation will not be tolerated. There is no need for any of that on this site.
5. Rape: This will NOT happen on this site. This includes any references to rape.
6. SPAM: Ok here is the tuffy. We have said before that anything more then 3 characters is SPAM. But in all reality we do NOT mute for this. Only if the person is taking it to extremes such as:.
!Dementor AuroraBorealis says, "dfkjlsdhgkjfkjghfmnvcm,vnfkghrouityerioutyjkgvnmc,vnfdj"
Get the point? Good.. However, please try to keep extra letters/symbols to a minimum. It CAN mess the page up for some players. Smilies are included in the no more than 3 guideline.
7. Link SPAM and Messenger addresses and emails: This includes other personal info such as phone numbers, addresses, myspace profiles, etc. Some people post these things in open chats. They are not to be there. If you want to give it to a friend that ASKS for it, OWL it. And no random owling of players to advertise other sites. We ban for that. This is why we have a link exchange. Please use it.
8. Advertising your clan in open chat: This is ok in the clan waiting place. But it has no place in Diagon or Hogwarts.
9. Personal Attacks: This is the offense that makes me angry, bringing someones personal life onto this site to attack them. Leave outside information outside.
10. Cheating and exploitation of glitches. If you find a glitch or bug in the game, please petition it. If you are caught telling other players of the glitch, you may be muted and/or banned.

In the end, listen to the admins and other staff, do not argue with them. If you have an issue with a staffer please Petition for Help so another Staffer can handle/look into it. If instead you decide to lash out of them or disregard their authority you will be punished.

These rules are made so everyone can enjoy their time here on HL. Please abide by them so all players can have fun.


All old, unowned dwellings have been purged from the system. This means that new construction in all villages can begin again. But please keep in mind that it's not for those who already have multiple dwellings to rush out and buy more but to give those who don't have a dwelling the chance to purchase/build one. Please don't take advantage.

Also, the upkeep module has been turned off for all types of dwellings so you no longer have to worry about spending turns, gold and gems in order to keep your dwelling looking spiffy ;)

Personal Information

Your contact information is private. Posting your email, phone number, address a public chat is not only against the rules of the site but puts you at risk. If you wish to share this information with others on the site, please use Owls to do so.

Be aware that this information should NOT be shared lightly. We want to keep HogwartsLive safe for all users and we can not assume that the information shared will not be passed on or abused.

Be safe with your information. Any posting of your information will be deleted from chat and you will be muted. Bug Fixes and Security Updates

There were some crazy security vulnerabilities on the Network, I've made some updates and necessary bug fixes to the sites. You should not longer see the slew of PHP warning/error messages that were previously there. Also, if you create a new account you will have to have a minimum password length of 5 characters.

The sites primarily affected by these changes are: -
The Harry Potter Friendship Network -
The Encyclopedia of Speculative Fiction -

If you do by chance encounter any errors while navigating the aforementioned websites please report them to me via the Owl Post (only available to logged in users).

Forest Creature Raffle Winners

Congratulations to Supreme Goddess ArielDumbledoreRiddle (Ticket 904) and
LichQueen DanielleJackson (Ticket 873) for winning the chance to have a forest creature named after them!

More raffles will be announced soon so keep collecting those beans!
(Sorry, Jen :P)