Welcome back HogwartsLive, I am deeply sorry that it took me all weekend to get it working again after the last crash, but I actually was not aware it had broken again until Sunday as I was away from my computer friday night and all of Saturday.
Suffusive to say there was another database crash...
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Wow what a weekend
Preventative shutdown tonight
The worst crashes all appear to happen at night (I know the crashes during the day seem very bad, but the crashes at night usually require someone at the colocation facility to physically restart the machine, very bad), as such we will be shutting down the site tonight and leaving it off overnight....
People spend loads of time on HL
You guys must really spend a lot of time on HL, at least that's what the statistics show. I hope you're doing that cause you really love the site and not just because you have nothing better to do! Not that there is anything wrong with being perpetually bored out of your mind (as I always...
Voice your Opinion and be Heard!
Tomorrow the Wizards.FM panel will sit down and record a discussion about Deathly Hallows, what we liked, what we didn't like, what we are still confused about, a general conversation about Deathly Hallows and we want your help!
Email your opinions and reviews of Deathly Hallows to...
Partial Data Reset and Last Call
Before we get a bunch of petitions complaining, we have partially reset the module_userprefs table again, this time on purpose and with some exceptions.
Your alignment, fairydragons, horcruxes, phoenixes, and bertie botts beans should be intact, other settings that use the module_userprefs table...
Hate Mail 2006
I posted up the some choice petitions and owls I received in 2006 over at the Hogwarts Live Hate Mail Page.
If you guys think it's funny please do us a favor and Digg It.
EDIT: I fixed the Hate Mail page so you can access it even while you're logged in.
The Candy Raffles are back!
We are less than a month away from the release of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on DVD and HogwartsLive, Wizards.FM, and Wizards.Pro are giving away a copy of the two disk special edition. The Candy Raffle is open in Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, come trade in your Bertie Botts beans for...
Upcoming Upgrade
I'll be upgrading HL very soon (i.e. tonight or tomorrow). There will be some small bugs you will have to worry about like PHP warnings after defeating monsters while traveling; the live chat will be temporarily down; and you won't be able to display your weapons and armor via your prefs...
Site Rules
I have taken the time to update the complete list of Site Rules on our Wiki page. THIS IS WHAT STAFFERS USE. It will eventually become a clickable on the nav bar, but in the mean time, please use this link to READ them. Even if you are a older player and think you already know the...
Clans no more....
Well the results of the poll last week were clear, most people would prefer the house identification and for clubs to be separate.
So all clans have been disbanded, and you are now in a "clan" that matches your hogwarts house. The Guildhalls have been replaced with your Common Room,...