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Clarification on Cybering Rules

Just so we are all on the same page here...cybering is NOT allowed on this site. Anywhere. Not in dwellings, not in owls, and certainly not in chats.

We have the power to monitor the ENTIRE site- this includes owls. For each instance you are caught cybering, you will be banned for 1 week....

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An Introduction in Wizarding Law

Hello Everyone,

As most of you know, for the last 4 years I've been working for a company focused on providing free legal information, Justia, owned by Danilo's Uncle, Tim Stanley. In honor of the new movie, they asked me to write a Potter and Law related blog post on the Justia Company...

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Alternative Characters

More Clarifications:

NO alt interaction falls under the causing drama part. Don't argue with yourself in chat, don't PvP yourself, don't send yourself pets, don't rez yourself.

Players that are found to have referred their own alts will be punished by having their...

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Owl Xizen Happy Birthday. :) (No this isn't going to be done for everyone, so don't ask.)

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Godric's Hollow

We added a new town as some people probably have noticed, please keep all family discussions there. Other players were having a hard time enjoying chatting on the game when HL families would come in and take over chats with with their bickering. This doesn't mean you can't say "Hey...

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We no longer have Prefects. We haven't had them for well over a year, please stop owling staff about becoming one. Thank you.

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As you may have noticed, the emoticons (smilies) have been turned on in chat. This is a TRIAL RUN to see how well they work with the live chat system. If they seem to work properly, we will keep them, but if they cause problems with the chat, they will be turned off again.

Spam rules apply to...

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Letters from Hogwarts

UPDATE: Edmund and SerenityRose had a very enjoyable time during their trip to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios. Thanks to all who owled in the hopes of receiving a postcard from Hogsmeade and congrats to those that did receive one!

Please stop owling as this...

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A Quick Memo

We've noticed more people sharing their passwords recently. So from this point on, if you share your password with someone else and your account gets messed with it is YOUR problem. Staff will NOT return your lost items or your account to you if they change your password on you.

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Here's the deal...

The NEXT person to threaten another player over a stupid RP family is going to be banned. On Facebook, Skype, Yahoo...wherever.

This has gone on far too long. This is a GAME. If you depend so much on a fake family to make yourself feel so important and badass, get...

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