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Letters from Hogwarts

UPDATE: Edmund and SerenityRose had a very enjoyable time during their trip to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios. Thanks to all who owled in the hopes of receiving a postcard from Hogsmeade and congrats to those that did receive one!

Please stop owling as this...

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A Quick Memo

We've noticed more people sharing their passwords recently. So from this point on, if you share your password with someone else and your account gets messed with it is YOUR problem. Staff will NOT return your lost items or your account to you if they change your password on you.

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Here's the deal...

The NEXT person to threaten another player over a stupid RP family is going to be banned. On Facebook, Skype, Yahoo...wherever.

This has gone on far too long. This is a GAME. If you depend so much on a fake family to make yourself feel so important and badass, get...

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4 Years Ago Today...

...two very special people tied the knot in Real Lifeâ„¢. They met and fell in love right here on HogwartsLive.

May the memories you cherish
And the joys that you recall
Help make this anniversary day
Your very best of all,

And may these truly happy years
Of seeing dreams...

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Please help save half a million children in Haiti - Donate to UNICEF

The child survivors of Haiti's brutal earthquake represent an entire generation. Many were orphaned. Countless lost friends and family. Their schools and homes--destroyed.

Give now and give the child survivors in Haiti essential nutritional supplies, clean water and vaccines,...

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Personal Attacks

A reminder of the rule being some have seem to forgotten lately:
Personal attacks(bringing someones real life into it) and insulting remarks should be kept off the public channels such as the forums and the chats.

This means when you are sitting there accusing people of being pedophiles and...

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When signing up you are agreeing you the sites Terms Of Use( Number three tells how you must be at least thirteen to register on this site. A lot of players have ignored this while signing up lately and have ended up banned because of it. We're not...

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LOLCat April Fool's Text

Even though it is not April Fool's Day for everyone yet, the timezone the server is in it is April Fool's Day, so for the next 24 hours you get to be graced by Danilo's LOLCat April Fool's Prank. =P

Edit: Danilo removed the option to turn it off. (Cause I'm evil!...

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Recent Crash and Owl Post

The site has been having a few issues these past couple of days as most of you have been able to tell. The main issue was that the Outbox in your Owl Post was not working correctly. A few of you were stuck in an endless badnav, as well.

In order to correct this, Danilo had to murder all the old...

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REPOST: How To Avoid Bad Navs

Repost of this that I posted before and part of one Witchy posted also.

Many of you are getting bad navs, and lately I've noticed a lot are user errors. Here are a few things that cause bad navs:
1.) Refreshing your page with your browsers refresh button. If you need to refresh, you...

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