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Internet Safety/Online Relationships

We have a few rules here on HL that are there to protect our younger players from being preyed upon by our older ones. However, it really is up to YOU as a player to ensure that you stay safe and free from harm.

Personal Info. PLEASE do not give out your personal info such as home address,...

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A Little Reminder

I'd like to remind everyone of the "No Cyber Bullying" rule, being some of you forgot it or choose to ignore the part of it that says " Personal attacks(bringing someones real life into it) and insulting remarks should be kept off the public channels such as the forums and...

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Here's the deal...

The NEXT person to threaten another player over a stupid RP family is going to be banned. On Facebook, Skype, Yahoo...wherever.

This has gone on far too long. This is a GAME. If you depend so much on a fake family to make yourself feel so important and badass, get...

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