We have a few rules here on HL that are there to protect our younger players from being preyed upon by our older ones. However, it really is up to YOU as a player to ensure that you stay safe and free from harm.
Personal Info. PLEASE do not give out your personal info such as home address,...
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Internet Safety/Online Relationships
A Little Reminder
I'd like to remind everyone of the "No Cyber Bullying" rule, being some of you forgot it or choose to ignore the part of it that says " Personal attacks(bringing someones real life into it) and insulting remarks should be kept off the public channels such as the forums and...
Here's the deal...
The NEXT person to threaten another player over a stupid RP family is going to be banned. On Facebook, Skype, Yahoo...wherever.
This has gone on far too long. This is a GAME. If you depend so much on a fake family to make yourself feel so important and badass, get...