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Partial Data Reset and Last Call

Before we get a bunch of petitions complaining, we have partially reset the module_userprefs table again, this time on purpose and with some exceptions.

Your alignment, fairydragons, horcruxes, phoenixes, and bertie botts beans should be intact, other settings that use the module_userprefs table...

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Voice your Opinion and be Heard!

Tomorrow the Wizards.FM panel will sit down and record a discussion about Deathly Hallows, what we liked, what we didn't like, what we are still confused about, a general conversation about Deathly Hallows and we want your help!

Email your opinions and reviews of Deathly Hallows to...

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People spend loads of time on HL

You guys must really spend a lot of time on HL, at least that's what the statistics show. I hope you're doing that cause you really love the site and not just because you have nothing better to do! Not that there is anything wrong with being perpetually bored out of your mind (as I always...

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My Apologies

Again, I'd like to apologize for the continued problems regarding accessing the game and loss of character data. I'll try to keep closer tabs on the site to make sure it doesn't go down for as long as it did the other day. Thanks for everyone's consideration, hopefully the...

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Congratulations Raffle Winners!

The following people have each won 20,000 points via the Candy Raffle:

Fourthyeargirl Watsonne (Ticket 4484)
Goddess DarkFairyNenI (Ticket 3565)
!TehMostLurvely WitchyWoman (Ticket 131)
King Tom (Ticket 5288)
Archtitaness Sweetdemon (Ticket 6031)
Overlord LeoWyatt (Ticket 4838)
Isian Priestess...

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Happy Birthday Edmund!

I'd like to take this time to wish Alchemist Edmund (Nick) a very Happy Birthday! Please don't forget to thank him for all the hard work he does for the site (like keeping it alive, fixing it when it's dead, etc.). :)

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Preventative shutdown tonight

The worst crashes all appear to happen at night (I know the crashes during the day seem very bad, but the crashes at night usually require someone at the colocation facility to physically restart the machine, very bad), as such we will be shutting down the site tonight and leaving it off overnight....

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Sometimes we have to slow down in order to speed up

I've removed all accelerator functionality from the php installation in hopes that if the server itself isn't running quite so fast it won't crash as often until I can fix a permanent solution. I shall be spending my birthday weekend (happy birthday to me) this weekend trying to...

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Deleted Accounts

I will restore what I can of deleted accounts on Sunday, so please bear with us until then. Thank you for your continued patience.

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It Happened Again

All User Preferences were reset again. This includes Friends, Squires, Pets, Alignment, Charm Display, Player Kills, the ability to reset PvP opt out option until after your next ve, Default Commentary Colors and possibly other assorted small things that I can't remember right now. EDIT:...

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