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Hate Mail 2006

I posted up the some choice petitions and owls I received in 2006 over at the Hogwarts Live Hate Mail Page.

If you guys think it's funny please do us a favor and Digg It.

EDIT: I fixed the Hate Mail page so you can access it even while you're logged in.

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People spend loads of time on HL

You guys must really spend a lot of time on HL, at least that's what the statistics show. I hope you're doing that cause you really love the site and not just because you have nothing better to do! Not that there is anything wrong with being perpetually bored out of your mind (as I always...

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My Apologies

Again, I'd like to apologize for the continued problems regarding accessing the game and loss of character data. I'll try to keep closer tabs on the site to make sure it doesn't go down for as long as it did the other day. Thanks for everyone's consideration, hopefully the...

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Congratulations Raffle Winners!

The following people have each won 20,000 points via the Candy Raffle:

Fourthyeargirl Watsonne (Ticket 4484)
Goddess DarkFairyNenI (Ticket 3565)
!TehMostLurvely WitchyWoman (Ticket 131)
King Tom (Ticket 5288)
Archtitaness Sweetdemon (Ticket 6031)
Overlord LeoWyatt (Ticket 4838)
Isian Priestess...

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Happy Birthday Edmund!

I'd like to take this time to wish Alchemist Edmund (Nick) a very Happy Birthday! Please don't forget to thank him for all the hard work he does for the site (like keeping it alive, fixing it when it's dead, etc.). :)

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Deleted Accounts

I will restore what I can of deleted accounts on Sunday, so please bear with us until then. Thank you for your continued patience.

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On Vacation

I will be in the Philippines from June 17 - July 8. I will most likely be very difficult to reach during this time period, meaning any issues I usually handle will either be taken care of by someone else or put on hold until my return.

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There were some crazy security vulnerabilities on the Network, I've made some updates and necessary bug fixes to the sites. You should not longer see the slew of PHP warning/error messages that were previously there. Also, if you create a new account you will have to have a minimum...

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Raffle Winners

Hey everyone the contest winners have been decided - using atmospheric interference for randomness - so please take a look at the Candy Raffles shop for the winners. To all those who have won please owl me with the subject line Raffle Winner on your winning account/character and I will...

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Missing Donator Points and Deleted Accounts

If you lost donator points on your account because of the rollback please owl or email me. If you need donator points refunded include the email address you used to send the donation along with the time and date of the transaction; I will manually add your donator points. If your account was...

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