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Attention all players... This is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry not Drinks, Sex and Drugs High School... So please do not talk about or preform the acts of either in the open chat areas... If you feel that you must talk about these subjects you are more than welcome to do so in...

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You might notice your title has changed... There is a thread in the forums that explains it all

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The Topic of Rape

Attention Game Players of Hogwarts Live…

Once again the topic and the act of cyber rape have surfaced on our majestic site. We would hope that you would know and realize that rape in real life or even on a game is not an appropriate action but for those of you who do not I am...

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Election Time on Hogwarts Live

Hello students of Hogwarts Live its election time at our fair site so go to the forums and cast your vote. The voting is on the staff and a YES or NO by each name is all that is needed. We do not need any commentary on your vote or why you are voting that way. So if you don’t...

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To all the students of Hogwarts Live:

On Monday August 15 we lost a fellow student, wonderful friend and great player of this game… Goddess Seductress or Sky as her friends knew her died from a sudden brain aneurism… Those that knew her loved her dearly and we cherished our time with her…

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