Hogwarts Live T-shirt Slogan Ideas

So legally we can't put the word "Hogwarts" on a T-shirt (at least not ones we sell). So my idea was we could just use HL. And if someone asks you can tell them what it stands for (if you want to).

Please note that these are just the slogans, design ideas haven't even crossed my mind yet (basically each T-shirt will say HL on it somewhere, most likely the back). So here are the Hogwarts Live T-shirt slogans that have been spread around the site over the years:

Front: Reality Bites
Variants: Reality Sucks, Bored?, Bored with reality?

So much tastier than Wheaties
Varient: Newbies

The Prescription Drug Cure
Not for the feint of heart.
HL may be addictive.

The Teenager's Playground

In real life I play HL

I'm Happily Married

Sleep? Who needs it?

Wonder what the kid who sits alone during lunch does in his spare time?

Don't have a life?
That's alright neither do I...

The Dark Lord is waiting...

Homework? What's that?

Kill em' while they sleep

Gotta kill em' all

You're looking at him.

When life is getting me down I kill firstyears.

Got HL?

It puts the awesome in awesome.

Its one #@#$% up RPG.

And my all-time favorite T-shirt idea:
Headmaster Danilo Fangirl For LifeTM

UPDATE: I've posted some of the designs up on the Hogwarts Live Custom Merchandise Store.

So what do you all think any suggestions?

Responses 1 - 25 of 77 to "Hogwarts Live T-shirt Slogan Ideas"

Supreme God SilaelCadogan • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 1:51am • #1

"When life is getting me down I kill firstyears." That one made me laugh, I love it!

The Legacy of AislingBlack • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 2:13am • #2

"Headmaster Danilo Fangirl For LifeTM" Danilo.. you stole this from your fanclub! JK

But this is my favorite "When life is getting me down I kill firstyears."


"Danilo Does The Hoedown Throwdown With HL" "I Does The Hoedown Throwdown With HL"

Tyrannosaurus Boo • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 2:48am • #3

Firstyball, Better Than Quidditch!

Forget The Trained Monkeys, Show Them Real Love, Do It With An Uh-Oh

Just Call Me The n00binator

Searching Suicidedly Since (insert date site opened as i cant remember >.

!MostDefinitelyNot SpinalRemains • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 2:52am • #4

Searching Suicidally wasn't there then. =P XD

HL, where the n00bs and godmodders roam free.

I Like Warm Hugsamp;! ShaileneMarie • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 3:31am • #5

I laughed at "In RL I play HL."

Tyrannosaurus Boo • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 4:47am • #6

fine then "Trolling The Forest Since...etc etc etc lmao

The Goddess GreyEyes • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 5:07am • #7

I love "When life is getting me down I kill firstyears."

Nightmare MiniRitz • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 5:50am • #8

"Iy'm noottt *hic*droon*hic*k iiyts joo*hic*sssttttt thhheee *hic* fiiiyllll*hic*lteeer"

"Spam, it's delicious and good with a side of n00b"

Could also do one with just "Got < GRY >?" (or the other 3 houses) on it

!Headmaster Danilo • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 7:06am • #9

How bout this one "The Dark Lord is my !$%#." I'm gonna get in trouble for some of these.

"I hate call_stack errors"

"When I die on HL I cry in RL"

Nightmare MiniRitz • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 7:30am • #10

"I help the staff by creating fun new ways to swear!"

(front) "Ever wonder what ! @ # $ stand for?" (back) "Ask an HL mod!"

"I hate it when the bartender takes my gold!"

"Life sucks when there's no PvP"

Asuka • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 7:43am • #11

Heyyyy. I was the official Fangirl! I hunted down his facebook and drew his name on me. :3

!Headmaster Danilo • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 8:36am • #12

Haha. That you did I still have the pic. ^^

Sweetest Downfall DianaTheDaring • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 9:46am • #13

So much tastier than Wheaties"
Hah! love that one :D

drmagurllife • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 9:59am • #14

How about

CTN... Stuck in a BadNav

XnedraNedra • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 10:48am • #15

What about, "Got HL?" on the front, and on the back, "We do..."

SeriousBlack • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 12:01pm • #16

You know those shirts with the "STAFF" on the back? You could make a "&STAFF;" one... but I guess only a select few could buy it...

"I choose HL --> Because RL violence is frowned upon."

"Firsties - It's what's for dinner/the other white meat."


Buying Chocolates: 160 gold. Serenade: 350 gold. Telling Someone You Love Them By Sending Them An Owlbox Full of Uh-Ohs: priceless.
BACK: Some things gold can't buy. For everything else, there's The Love Shack.

Pencils: The tackiest gift on earth/Pencils won't make them love you.

Skrooge • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 12:15pm • #17

i would totally rock the Danilo fan girl shirt =p.

Skrooge • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 12:17pm • #18

Serious has a good idea with this:

Buying Chocolates: 160 gold. Serenade: 350 gold. Telling Someone You Love Them By Sending Them An Owlbox Full of Uh-Ohs: priceless.
BACK: Some things gold can't buy. For everything else, there's The Love Shack.

Supreme God SilaelCadogan • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 1:27pm • #19

"Real life drama too dull? Join a wizard 'family'!"

"I see god modders.."

"Ever wonder what an Owl tastes like?"

"No matter how strong you are, you can still be killed by a cat."

Bleh, I'm not really creative right now =P I'll post better ones later.

Sweetest Downfall DianaTheDaring • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 4:55pm • #20

"HL is the only place you can kill someone violently with cheerios.."

"I find you annoying.. get on HL."

"Muffins...HLs deadliest weapon.."

Just a few stupid ideas :P

Night Queen ReginaNoctis • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 6:20pm • #21

I love Serious' take on the MasterCard commercial and Mini's drunk filter. xD

Totally cracked up at "God(dess)? You're looking at him/her" and "When I Die on HL I Cry in RL" and "In RL I Play HL".

I play HL so I've probably married your sister/mom/girlfriend/roommate before...and boy was she hot (or not!)

Stupid Sicilian: JUST SAY NO

(front) Don't have a life? I do! It's just...on the internet.
(back) HL - present

Kiss Me! I'm HL Married

It takes two to tango, two to marry, and one to click on DIVORCE (by accident)

Night Queen ReginaNoctis • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 6:21pm • #22

Ah crap. I forgot brackets don't work on here.

*HL (year it began) - present

Night Queen ReginaNoctis • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 6:32pm • #23

` 5: Because I'm just cooler than you.

` Q: Because I'm not a n00b.

(the previous two can have a range of colors to choose from, and the T-shirt OR the font could be in the colors that the symbols represent!)

I eat n00bs for breakfast. Got a problem with that?


HL: We Play. A LOT.

Also, I forgot to say that I love Mini's "Got _insert House_?" idea.

SeriousBlack • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 7:32pm • #24

Kiss Me I'm (HL) Married! I like it, Gina! :D

drmagurllife • Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 8:06pm • #25

"Everything tastes better with Firstyear as an ingredient"

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