Please accept my deepest apologies for the site being down for the greater part of February 1, 2005. It was down because the data from the old server was being transferred to the new one and that is a very timely process when you are dealing with gigabytes of information. Anyway, everything is up...
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Dedicated Server
New Server Purchase!!!
Okay, I'm settled down now at my apartment in a suburb of San Francisco, California that shall remain unnamed. I still don't have a computer, Internet access (I'm at school), a cell phone, or a car for that matter so bare with me. I will try and get the new server by the second...
New Server Purchased
I just purchased the new server.
It currently has these specs:
AMD Anthlon Processor
80 GB Disk space
1 GB of RAM
2 TB Monthly Transfer (Bandwidth)
The transfer will be initiated later on today.