We have a new contest for this week, with the submission deadline being Saturday the 10th. It is short notice, but it is something that we just came up with.
The contest is called "The 12 Days of HLmas", basically you are rewriting the 12 Days of Christmas, Hogwarts Live style. Submission should be sent to OR . Saturday staff will pick their favorites, and then those will be post in the blog as a poll, and you the player gets to vote for the winner.
1.) It must be appropriate! Not appropriate entries will not make it to the poll.
2.) It must follow the 12 Days of Christmas song format. (It should be able to be sung to the tune and sound right.)
3.) Be creative!
4.) It needs to be based off Hogwarts Live, NOT Harry Potter. We don't want "On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Ra-on We-eeeasly."
5.) We are just looking for lyrics written out, however if you want, and you know how you can make a video to go along with it, if not, do not ask us how.
6.) MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE YOUR HL NAME IN YOUR EMAIL. Make sure the subject of the email is "The 12 Days of HLmas".
The winner will receive 25 new days. Other smaller prizes may be given out at the judge's discretion.
The 12 days of HLmas
Responses 1 - 15 of 15 to "The 12 days of HLmas"
There are no symbols. :O
They were a figment of your imagination.
This is an awesome idea :) So yahoo mail or hotmail cause when i clicked the link it gave the the option?
You copy and paste the email address given into your own email service, Silver. Duh.
Video? I hate Christmas, and yet you tempt me with a video. I hate you!
Gee thanks Harry. For the sarcasism I will eat you pizza! I hope your pepperoni and cheese.
This sounds like fun!
Mehehehe. I liked doing this. xD Spinal, have mercy on my soul D:
Oh, cool! Sounds fun. :P
Quick question..If we send one, then write another..can we send that in too? :D
Sure, I don't see why not.
Also, @everyone, you don't need to write out the WHOLE song. Just the last verse where it includes 12 whatevers down to 1 whatever is fine. Unless you *want* to write it all out. It's up to you.
Ooh, this sounds GREAT! :D Definitely writing one. >:3
Ooh, this sounds GREAT! :D Definitely writing one. >:3
Ah, Witchy, I wish you would have said that before D:
Sorry, Zack :P
sweet why are there random symbols?