Player Request

A longtime member of this site, AislingBlack, and her family would like to spread the word about her niece Mikyla.

Mikyla needs open heart surgery before she is 1 year old for two heart murmurs. She recently had the pinched aorta fixed but flat lined. They were able to revive this smiley, happy girl but now she is stuck on a breathing tube. Her family are not yet asking for donations to help in the care of her. All they request is that the world get to know this loving child through her Caring Bridge website by reading her journal, subscribing to updates on her, and signing her guest book.

When Mikyla recovers from this nasty health problem, her daddy will be show her just how much human compassion the world had for her.

So please we request of you to go to her website and sign her guest book:

Then print out her flier to pass around at your schools, churches, jobs, and social events:

Pass her website along to all you know.

Thank You!

The Howard Family of Indiana.

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