Blog Home » Users » God Vance aka Leo (Report Profile)
God Vance aka Leo (He/Him) is a 33 year old (DOB: November 11, 1991) half-blood wizard living in The Realm of Monachi. He wields a 14½" Reed, Phoenix Feather wand, and a member of the unsorted masses of Hogwarts students just off the train eagerly crowding around the Sorting Hat. His favorite Harry Potter book is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and his favorite Harry Potter character is Sirius Black.
About Me
Father : aurorapheonix
Sisters: Karenacelin, Kittyphoenix
Brother: siriusblackisawesome
Wife : Adella
Date of marriage: 25th of March, 2010, at 10:12 Am
Daughters : Kinara, Victor
I use special Dual Katanas as my main weapons named Raziel and Chakan,
in addition to a wide variety of melee weapons.
I also have the ability to melt into and materialize out of any solid object at will.