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SiriusSpire aka is unknown...dun..Dun..DUN!!! (He/Him) is a 28 year old (DOB: June 9, 1996) pure-blood wizard living in Small bedroom of number 12, Grimmuald Place. He wields a 14¾" Holly, Ashwinder Ash wand, and a member of the unsorted masses of Hogwarts students just off the train eagerly crowding around the Sorting Hat. His favorite Harry Potter book is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and his favorite Harry Potter character is Sirius Black, Fred Weasley.

About Me
HI!! umm...i like saying HI!! a fairly nice person, i dont get jealous, mebbe mad easily..annoying sense of humor...fairly blunt :P i like meeting new people no matter how much they dont like meeting me. i dont have a family, but im close to silverrose's. i love music...except disney and that crap. I play a few instruments and used to play rugby and cricket.
has a collection of various kunai and a metal, ornate sphere-tipped cane.
Sorry, Lizzy, im a %$!#@%..
goddaughters:verena, rosaline, crookshanks, yesenia, ninapink
godson: eragon