Blog Home  »  Users  »  Supreme God ShivaLovegood aka Ash Stormz (Report Profile)

Supreme God ShivaLovegood aka Ash Stormz (He/Him) is a 38 year old (DOB: June 26, 1986) half-blood wizard living in Spinners End. He wields a 12¼" Oak, Dragon Heartstring wand, and a member of Gryffindor. His favorite Harry Potter book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and his favorite Harry Potter character is Luna Lovegood.

About Me
Ancestry: Lovegood family
Adoption: Bluestone family


~Worked as Writer at Quibbler
~Ex Employee at Department of Mysteries, Ministry of Magic, was fired for publishing inside stories on Quibbler.

5 ft 8" tall, slim and moderately built, Brown-eyed Ministry Guy.

Specialty;: Charms
Patronus: Ferret

Ex-Wives Club: EmeraldMalfoy, Ezra, Envirossi

Friends;: Arvind, ClydeReese, Feorge, Elena, Huntress, LilyBluestone, Dolphin, Cruize, TouristCoder, Amanda, Gary, Martell, Maggie, RAB, Scarlett, Amphy, Auggie, Miyasaki and more....

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