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Notamp;Here LilySnape (She/Her) is a 31 year old (DOB: July 15, 1993) pure-blood witch living in Ottery St. Catchpole. She wields a 13" Holly, Unicorn Hair wand, and a member of Slytherin. Her favorite Harry Potter book is Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and her favorite Harry Potter character is Severus Snape.

About Me
"You may be as vicious about me as you please. You will only do me justice."
-Richard Burton (1925-1984)

My forever child, no matter where they are:
Dearest Son: SherlockHolmes

Made Goddess 2/28/2014
Made Supreme Goddess 3/24/2015
Made Ultimate Goddess 6/7/2015
The Goddess (300 VEs) 6/27/2016
Good Alignment (100000) 1/12/2020
400 VEs: 2/15/2017
500 VEs: 3/6/2023