Season's Greetings!

It's that time of year... the most wonderful time of the year! We know that not everyone celebrates Christmas, but we'd like to wish you all Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Joyous Kwanzaa and/or whatever else you may celebrate. If you don't celebrate anything, we hope this winter is your best one yet :)

We've opened the seasonal village for your enjoyment-
Polareia Borealis. Here you will find most of our holiday modules, from the Ice Hotel to the Dreidel game at the peanut stall. You can also try to build the best snowman in all the wizarding world! Or maybe you'd just like to visit the Ice Castle while dressed up in your cool new costume! Also, if you fancy buying a reindeer, they are now available in the pet shop.

We also have opened a Holiday Gift shop which can be found in each village. This is the place to go to buy your family, friends, and even rivals presents for the holidays. The gifts can be opened starting on Christmas Day (December 25) at the fireplace in your Common Room. You will have until December 31 to open them all. In the meantime, you can visit the Fireplace inside your Common Room to check to see how many presents are waiting for you! Everyone will receive at least one present so be sure to open yours on Christmas Day!
(NOTE: Some of you may see references to Valentine's Day at the Fireplace. Just ignore it and pretend it says Christmas. xD It's just a typo and doesn't affect your presents.)

In the past we have had a few problems with players being nasty to each other with the Holiday Gifts Anonymous Sender feature. This year, we have in place a security measure to ensure that no one is truly anonymous. Although the recipient of a not-so-nice gift will not know who the gift is from, the Staff will know. Those that send nasty messages through the Holiday Gifts will be dealt with in the same way as if it was said in chat. Offensive messages on gifts can be reported by petition, just like offensive owls, through a link in each gift.

For a little friendly House competition, each House has been given a Holiday Tree to decorate. Players can go to their Common Room and help decorate it by using forest fights, gold and/or gems. The House with the best tree at the end of the year will earn the House buff for the entire month of January.

We hope you enjoy these new features and once again, Happy Holidays!

Responses 1 - 4 of 4 to "Season's Greetings!"

The Unspeakable Wolfsbanewillow • Monday, December 2, 2019 - 9:13am • #1

I like the tree contest, but have some thoughts concerning the other modules. I know not everything is created by you, but I can't still believe a riffle or fireweapon is asked by a female player (like me) at Cleveland street (when visiting Santa). I also find the loss of so many charms a bit exagerated. Concerning the other events at Cleveland Street: I'm still handled as a child, and if I had the possibility to indicate my age at my profile (eventually not exact age, but between 20-30 years, or 40+ ...), this could be taken in account for the modules. Another thought: if someone bought me an expensieve jewell at the holiday gift shop, this jewell is gone, not included into the jewells at my profile. Now, the holiday gifts feel a bit like empty boxes, they simply are expensieve announcements. I like the principle of gifting something to another player, but jewells or wizard cards could also be included into the profile pages. I must admit, the winter holidays make me feel depressed and the reaction of the modules within this game increase that feeling sometimes. I like the tree contest and will use all I can afford to help my dear house. That's my joy of these days.

Stalker HerLilyWeasley • Tuesday, December 3, 2019 - 9:58pm • #2


The Unspeakable Wolfsbanewillow • Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 12:03pm • #3

Another thought concerning Santa's lab and the crying kit modules: I am not sure both modules were created by you or were previously available at dragonprime? But if you create them yourself, these things could improve them, I think: if player has turns to spend but choses not to help the kit rebuild the snowman, they should be punished not only with bad alignment and (already in current version) loss of hitpoints, but also can't be seen by Santa's helpers as "nice".

If player has no turns left he/she can't help, although player is willing to help. Why not let the player use some gold or a gem to let the child buy a doll or something like that? Player is really nice, and this should be told to Santa, shouldn't it?

In the Netherlands, Sinterklaas, the origin of your Santa Claus, but celebrated at the 6th of december, has a big book in which all good or bad deeds of the children are noted down and this helps the old Santa to decide who should be rewarded =nice and who should be punished. In the current module of Santa's lab, a good person also can be seen as naughty, although she/he helps the kid etc. and bad people who don't help the kit etc. are seen as nice. This feels strange to me. Just some thoughts.

RAB • Wednesday, December 18, 2019 - 5:52pm • #4


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