Where do Hogwarts Live donations go?

Some of you have been wondering where the donations go. While this is explained fairly well in the Prefect's Lounge I want to do a week-to-week breakdown of the costs of running Hogwarts Live during the month of July 2011:

Week 1 - $103.20
Week 2 - $167.80
Week 3 - $133.51
Week 4 - $183.37

Subtotal: $587.88

You should all know that there have been many times in the past where I've personally covered all or part of HL's monthly overhead. Because of this I do my best to give donators unique perks as a thank you for their continued support.

Our actual donation goal is an estimate of how much I think it will cost each month to run the site. The breakdown above does not include one-time fees for the physical equipment and hardware upgrades needed to keep HL running smoothly. Nor does it include unexpected expenses due to hardware failure or planned expenses such as prizes for raffles. Our monthly goal is subject to change based on the actual cost of running the site.

If our costs rise significantly so will our donation goal. If our goal is exceeded the money is kept in an HL-only account that accrues interest. These funds will eventually be used to purchase new servers should HL need to support more users. New servers can cost thousands of dollars.

For further information read this bit from the Prefect's Lounge:

All moneys donated to Hogwarts Live are used specifically and only for costs associated with running HL. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, fees for server equipment (hardware), web hosting, bandwidth overages, and for the domain name. If donations exceed the costs for the current year then any and all unused donations are saved for the next year's expenses.

Donations are not used for any of Headmaster Danilo's personal expenses.

HL has its own money market account where the unused funds earn interest. These funds are kept in case of emergencies such as hardware failure where parts need be replaced or repaired. They are also used for any other necessary expenses that may arise such as purchasing a new server, hardware upgrades, and other equipment used for the development and maintenance of HL.

Sometimes if deemed prudent the interest accrued on the money market account is used to purchase prizes for the Candy Raffle. These kinds of expenses are generally recouped right away.

Responses 1 - 11 of 11 to "Where do Hogwarts Live donations go?"

30ba70a74a114c1 • Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 8:44pm • #1

first commentor!!!!!!

Anomie AislingBlack • Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 8:51pm • #2

^ That guy needs help, professionally. Stop trolling the blog.

I don't think you had to explain where the money goes, Danilo. But since you explained it, these idiots can stop bagging on you when they don't know !#@%. I've donated and won donations. I never cared what the money was used for.

Being amp;Zeifys Has amp; Perks • Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 2:57am • #3

You could have just said you spent the money on candy and booze and i still would have accepted it. Danilo, you are the man! :)

Aftermath AuroraPheonix • Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 5:21am • #4

I agree with Aisling on this one. It's a real shame that some would try to bash you over the donations and where they go. But I do appreciate the exact numbers being given as far as costs just because I'm someone who does like to know specifics of things.

alextyler • Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 6:15am • #5

On the thing of new servers and stuff, will HL need one soon? or is that just like a thing to make the website more smoother?

Great, i bet i am going to be like the noobiest poster here, then again, i am an alt XD

Utopian Minister Leo • Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 11:58am • #6

Yeah, like the others, I didn't need to know where the money goes.
The one thing that matters though, is that people donate and get cool stuff in return...

30ba70a74a114c1 • Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 5:22pm • #7

Well sorry!~!

FirstYearGirl IsabellaBryant • Thursday, October 27, 2011 - 1:00pm • #8

Thank you, Danilo! Hopefully others will realize that you are the honest person you say you are.

Eyve • Saturday, October 29, 2011 - 1:17pm • #9

justinroots, if you were sorry, you would not have done it...

30ba70a74a114c1 • Sunday, October 30, 2011 - 12:41pm • #10


Unknown Author • Thursday, November 10, 2011 - 1:24pm • #11

Hey does this cost me anythingat all just to play it? If so can I delete some how?

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