Rule Reminder!

People have been neglecting rules lately, and its not just new players, so here is a summary of the rules:

No Cheating: This is pretty straight forward, don't try to hack the site, crack peoples passwords, or do anything that may harm HL. Don't use your own scripts. If you find a bug or think you did REPORT IT, don't try and test it yourself. You'll be banned for abusing bugs, or any of the other things mentioned.

Evading the Filter: When words show up as symbols, LEAVE THEM THAT WAY. Don't add letters, symbols, etc. to them to get around the filter. Using slang terms and foreign languages is also filter evasion. We no longer filter slang terms and foreign language insults, so using these will result in a mute after a few warnings.

No Cyber Bullying: Do not harass people, especially for their spelling and grammar, some people cannot help it, we don't care if spell check exists and they could use it. Be polite and don't ruin the game for other players who are trying to have fun. All teasing needs to stay site related, bringing someones real life into it is an personal attack and is not allowed in chat. This also results in a mute if you ignore warnings.

Drugs, Alcohol, and other Bannable Subjects: Reference to illegal drugs, extreme alcohol (ab)use, cutting, suicide or other forms of self-mutilation will not be tolerated. No sexual content. You will receive warnings and if you continue a mute. ANY REFERENCE TO RAPE OR USE OF THE WORD IN ANY CONTEXT IS AN INSTANT BAN. People have been having issues lately following that.
Along with this, avoid topics like politics, religion, abortion, etc. If any subject causes disruption in chat, staff will stop it and anyone who continues will be muted.

CYBERING IS NOT ALLOWED. Any cases of cybering will earn you a 1 week ban, if you are caught cybering with a minor, you will receive a perm ban. We ban when we have PROOF. Word of mouth is not proof. Don't go off in chat on someone attacking them for this.

Spam and Advertising: This one is probably the biggest rule neglected by players, and wrongly warned for by players also.
We define spam as useless and repetitive posting. Unless you keep doing it over and over, you won't be muted for it. For repetitive numbers, letters, symbols etc we use a general guideline of 3. WE DO NOT WARN FOR 4-5. So you as a player shouldn't harass people about it either for having only 4-5. Even 6-7 when it comes to periods isn't bad.

Examples of spam:

All caps in 1-2 posts is OK. Using it excessively in more posts is not.

Advertising: Do not advertise any sites in chat OR through owls. This will result in a ban. If you want to talk about a site, or something that happened on another site, go to that site and talk about it, don't do it in HL chat. Discussing other RPG websites in chat is NOT allowed. Talking about sites like Facebook and Youtube is fine.

Chatspeak/Textspeak: We usually do not mute for this, staff members will probably warn you, and a lot of players will get on your case in chats over it.

Alternate characters: Please read this blog post -

Personal Information: Do not give out your contact info in chats, if you want to give someone your info please do so through owls, remember who you are giving this info to is a stranger over the internet who could be a not-so-good of a person. Giving out this info puts you at risk.
If you give your password out, be warned, if someone messed up your account, we're not going to fix it, if they change your password, you're out of luck.

Respecting staff, players, and yourself: If you have a issue with someone, ignore them.
If you think a staff member is not doing their job properly, you can owl them and tell them why, or petition and other staff members will handle it. Don't report a staffer because you just don't like them. If you make a claim against one, make sure you have proof. If you think a staff member is abusing their power, also petition them. Please don't petition them over some small issue that doesn't affect anything. Disrespecting a staff member in chat will result in one or NO WARNING before a mute.

Don't RP indecent, vulgar, graphic or possible offensive scenarios. RPing substance abuse, sexual acts, sadistic and harmful acts will get you perm muted after only one warning. Again any reference to Rape will get you instantly banned.

Staff usually only give out 2 warnings before muting.

Listen to staff, do not argue with them. As mentioned, petition if you have an issue with a staff member and their warning and another staff member will handle it. Arguing and lashing out on them will result in a mute.

Staff CAN decide to instant mute, if this happens to you and you feel it was inappropriate, petition. If you see a staff member breaking a rule, petition it. When staff are enforcing the rules, don't throw in your two cents, we don't need comments from the peanut gallery.

CAN and WILL enforce things that are not mentioned here in the rules if they feel it is necessary.

Responses 1 - 9 of 9 to "Rule Reminder!"

Back Is Popper • Saturday, May 14, 2011 - 1:10am • #1

Excellent. Hope every reads this thoroughly (again)! *nods*

Lurker Queen cbgkitten • Saturday, May 14, 2011 - 1:34am • #2

Lets hope that everyone actually follows the rules now. :D

Supreme Goddess allaraycaitlyn • Saturday, May 14, 2011 - 2:36am • #3

greeat :D
i hope that people won't "forget" about the rulse now.

Meanderer Haji • Saturday, May 14, 2011 - 2:42am • #4

I hope i fully learn to read one day (written by his imaginary friend)

Supreme God joserules • Saturday, May 14, 2011 - 5:25am • #5

Perfect, I needed a quick rminder anyway. It's hard to remember everything.

TristianCrowley • Tuesday, May 17, 2011 - 6:57am • #6

I only had a hard time with one of the rules, but I've gotten use to it xD
(And no it is not the spamming one >_

amp;Snow Nyamp;mph amp; Khione • Tuesday, May 17, 2011 - 1:46pm • #7

Thnk you for reposting the rules and one of them especciaqlly gets broken and when I see it happen it is very disturbing to me.I will make sure to follow all of the rules.

The Legacy of AislingBlack • Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 10:41am • #8

Damn, now I can't break all the rules at once anymore. I will just have to pick and choose which ones to break that day and *crosses fingers* pray that I don't get caught. *puts a target for staff on her back*

The rules are common sense. They are things you wouldn't do in a civilized conversation. You don't exaggeratedly scream stuff at your neighbor or talk about $!#@, etc. You respect people. Duh. Now can you people that are leaving #@% kissing remarks just stop. You will be caught breaking the rules after this. It is only a matter of time. Saying otherwise is bull #@%$. If it disturbs you, why are you involved in it? If it disturbs you, why are you not reporting it? Don't act holy than thou. It's annoying.

The Legacy of AislingBlack • Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 10:52am • #9

Damn, now I can't break all the rules at once anymore. I will just have to pick and choose which ones to break that day and *crosses fingers* pray that I don't get caught. *puts a target for staff on her back*

The rules are common sense. They are things you wouldn't do in a civilized conversation. You don't exaggeratedly scream stuff at your neighbor or talk about $!#@, etc. You respect people. Duh. Now can you people that are leaving #@% kissing remarks just stop. You will be caught breaking the rules after this. It is only a matter of time. Saying otherwise is bull #@%$. If it disturbs you, why are you involved in it? If it disturbs you, why are you not reporting it? Don't act holy than thou. It's annoying.

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