Pre-Order Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince DVDs

Right now is your last chance to pre-order Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince DVDs from; if you do it right now you get a whopping 66% off the retail price. The Blu-ray version is 56% off. Also, coming out are the ultimate edition DVDs and Blu-rays for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets with 37% and 34% respective discounts (I just bought Edmund a Blu-ray one of these as a Christmas present and it looks AWESOME!). And there's even more, the new Harry Potter Years 1-6 Giftset is available for pre-order as well at 36% off for the DVD and 33% off for the Blu-ray!
UPDATE: is keeping their pre-order discounts but I'm not sure how long it will last. So don't delay or else you'll really pay--extra that is =P.

Buy Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Widescreen) [DVD] for $9.99Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Widescreen Edition) [DVD]

Buy Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Full-Screen) [DVD] for $9.99Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Full-Screen Edition) [DVD]

Buy Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Blu-ray/DVD Combo for $15.99Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince [Blu-ray]

Buy Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Ultimate Edition) [DVD] for $24.99Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Ultimate Edition) [DVD]

Buy Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Ultimate Edition) [DVD] for $24.99Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Ultimate Edition) [DVD]

Buy Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Ultimate Edition) [Blu-ray] for $32.99Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Ultimate Edition) [Blu-ray]

Buy Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Ultimate Edition) [Blu-ray] for $32.99Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Ultimate Edition) [Blu-ray]

Harry Potter Years 1-6 Giftset (Widescreen Edition) [DVD] for $44.99Harry Potter Years 1-6 Giftset (Widescreen Edition) [DVD]

Harry Potter Years 1-6 Giftset (Full-Screen Edition) [DVD] for $44.99Harry Potter Years 1-6 Giftset (Full-Screen Edition) [DVD]

Harry Potter Years 1-6 Giftset [Blu-ray] for $89.99Harry Potter Years 1-6 Giftset [Blu-ray]

Responses 1 - 4 of 4 to "Pre-Order Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince DVDs"

Supreme God SilaelCadogan • Tuesday, December 8, 2009 - 1:22am • #1

hmm.. 6 discs for only $50?? That's hard to believe! I think I know what I'm getting.. then again, I could just wait until all 8 movies (seeing as Deathly Hallows is split in 2 parts) come in an Ultimate Edition box set..

Anomie AislingBlack • Tuesday, December 8, 2009 - 3:19am • #2

I am waiting until all 8 DVD's are out to get the giftbox sets.

100 Years PolyJuice • Tuesday, December 8, 2009 - 9:45pm • #3

What's up with the ultimate editions? Are they super special?

!Headmaster Danilo • Tuesday, December 8, 2009 - 11:36pm • #4

Look at the photos! They're super special. It's loaded with extras like: the original auditions of the Emma, Daniel, and Rupert; never-before-seen interviews; extended scenes; etc.

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