Blog Home  »  Users  »  YearlingSlayer Zara aka Z, Zar, Zars, Zarie, Raza, Cerezara, Zazzle (Report Profile)

YearlingSlayer Zara aka Z, Zar, Zars, Zarie, Raza, Cerezara, Zazzle (She/Her) is a 25 year old (DOB: April 27, 1999) half-blood witch living in Diagon Alley. She wields a 13" Purpleheart, Dragon Heartstring wand, and a member of Hufflepuff. Her favorite Harry Potter book is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and her favorite Harry Potter character is Luna Lovegood.

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I sincerely apologize for how cringey I used to be.

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