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THE G.O.A.T DevonRose (She/Her) is a 38 year old (DOB: July 25, 1986) witch living in with Hailey, as always!. She wields a 13¾" Oak, Unicorn Hair wand, and a member of Hufflepuff.

About Me
The Rose of Death and ebil twin of Hailey...aka Empress d' Eath. Also, Guardian Spirit for AngelDarkScarlet.....DevonRose has been kollared by RainaFormensul...was ravished in the grassy field by Intrigue and now has a love child, my sweetness SilverRose. Became TheOne on 3.16.11. Was given the title, t3h ub3r 1337 DevonRose, on 2.18.14. Caught up to Silver at 1740 on 2.2.19. Made 1800 on 7.29.19. Has TastesherMango-rita RAB as her personal executioner. But will never forget Maliziosa Furia was her original.
Reached to 100,000 gems on 11.25.19.
1900 ves on 5.29.20.
Became THE G.O.A.T DevonRose with 2000 ves on 8.17.21.

Always tries to encourage students to get ahead and will answer questions to the best of her knowledge (which is not always perfect). Is a teaser and loves low comedy. Is loyal to her friends and vicious to her enemies.

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