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Horrible CourtniieDurham (She/Her) is a 34 year old (DOB: July 23, 1990) pure-blood witch living in Diagon. She wields a 14" Maple, Dragon Heartstring wand, and a member of Hufflepuff. Her her favorite Harry Potter character is Luna Lovegood.

About Me
Jaymes - Dad
Fay - Mum
Xizen - Gmapa
Poppit - Mother Daughter
Caz - Seester
Xavi - Seester
Jemmers - Seester

PrettyRose - Daughter
Moosie - Awesomesauce Son-in-law
Kari - Daughter
Red & PolyWoly - Son&Daughter;
Jez - Daughter
Jessie - Niece
LordGecko - fave nephew
Strikeblood & 711 - Son&Daughter;
Shaii - Daughterr
Jasper - Son
Miska - Neice
Primrose - grandbaby
Elsie&Leanan; - grandbabies
Acai Berry - Favorite GreatGrandberry
Ophelia - great great niece :)
Sherry - grandbaby
anyone else?? o.O

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