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Supreme God BlackStar aka Nirm The BlackStar (He/Him) is a 31 year old (DOB: October 8, 1993) pure-blood wizard living in India. He wields a 14" Redwood, Phoenix Feather wand, and a member of Gryffindor. His favorite Harry Potter book is Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and his favorite Harry Potter character is Severus Snape.

About Me
Joined 12/2/2012
My FB :
Hey, If u took the time to check my profile, maybe ur trying to know more about me.. Well anything u need just ask me :) Im a very open kinda guy.. dont prefer beating around the bush.. if i like some1 ill just tell them up straight.. oh and yea if u think BlackStar is too big just call me Nirm :)
Im also a World of Warcraft player and a big time gaming addict... have almost tried all games but i stick to wow :D (But I'm NOT like those Dorks x.x I am VERY social)
I come to HL to talk to new people .. awesome people like you who is checking my profile right now :P
If theres something i can help with ... Ill do my best just owl me :)
Well i get bored of typing about me just like that so if u really wanna know me.. just find me :P

Wonder why i keep my name BlackStar? Well He is a Character from the Anime Soul Eater whose traits and characteristics are similar to mine.
BlackStar is a Ninja, an Assassin (The best one there is).
He focuses on Increasing his power and beat anything in his way.
His famous punch line is "
I'm The Man Who Will Surpass God!"
If u haven't heard about him, you should take a quick peek here -☆Star

My Family:
Teh Lovely Sisters : Pjessica (Jess) and Sana
The Drachen Clan. Love you all! :D

My Awesome Friends Who Have Helped Me Alot (I'll never forget you guys :')): Silk, Voyager, Spy(Misspyrate), Susan(Susanthecool), RubyTempest, Airianne and more to be added later!

Random Stuff About Me:
Favourite Football Team : Liverpool FC
Favourite Basketball Team : Chicago Bulls
Favourite Sport : Basketball/Roller Hockey
Favourite Anime/Manga : One Piece

Favourite MMO: World Of Warcraft (It's unbeatable)
Favourite RPG:Skyrim
Favourite Multiplayer Game (All Categories):DotA
Favourite Single Player Game:GTA San Andreas

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