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God AnnzyFranzy aka Elliott (He/Him) is a 28 year old (DOB: October 15, 1996) pure-blood wizard living in in Wonderland. He wields a 12" Holly, Dragon Heartstring wand, and a member of Hufflepuff. His favorite Harry Potter book is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and his favorite Harry Potter character is Luna.

About Me

My name is Everett and from a very young age, I knew I was destined for more. I come from prestigious wealth, growing up in Godric's Hallow among other pure-bloods. I showed signs incredibly early of having magical powers and my parents taught me how to harness them almost as quick. I easily exceled at any subject in school and even decided to get a few degrees in my spare time. I've always had a magnificent bond with animal, never knowing a healthy fear. Creatures that should have terrified me only brought more excitement! Shortly before graduating from Hogwarts, I was in the Forbidden Forrest exploring and got bitten by a strange animal. The bite caused me to stop aging and gave me a very pale complexion...

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