If you make a donation via PayPal please do not cancel it by contacting your credit card company, you have 10 days to dispute a charge on PayPal. If for whatever reason you wish to cancel a donation and have not used your points yet please do so using the PayPal site and I'll be more than happy to refund your donation. When you cancel your payment via your credit card company I receive a nice little "Chargeback" notice. When this happens the transaction fee for the PayPal donation is taken out of the Hogwarts Live account, it is not refunded; meaning when you cancel this way HL loses money, please keep this in mind for future reference. There were ten chargebacks this month totaling $27. It appears that the people who did this had stopped playing the game but had used all their points already. Please keep this in mind before donating.
UPDATE (03/14/2008): Seriously, this is getting annoying, HL already received $57 (USD) in chargebacks this month. Please, if you make a donation by accident file a complaint/dispute requesting your funds back within 10 days of the transaction online at the PayPal Resolution Center or by calling their customer support at toll free at (888) 221-1161 in the USA or 08707 307 191 in the UK. The site currently relies completely on donations as we do not have ANY advertisers at the moment.
If you see any ads or popups (aside from the topsite buttons and the MoTD) either you need to clear your cache or you have spyware/adware on your computer and I suggest if you're a Windows user you download an antispyware a free program like Spybot-S&D or if you have the money Spy Sweeper. Also, a couple good free antivirus programs for Windows and Mac OS are ClamWin and ClamXav respectively.
PayPal Donations
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