Welcome to Hogwarts Live! We're the best Harry Potter RPG on the net and if you don't believe us just
create a character to find out for yourself.
Hogwarts Live is a free online Harry Potter multiplayer game, which is accessible to the visually impaired (i.e. blind-accessible). Once you start playing you can gain experience points, galleons, and levels by defeating fantastic beasts, unruly Professors, evil Death Eaters, and the infamous Voldemort to claim your title as a Hogwarts Champion.
Hogwarts Live is an interactive browser-based game so there's no download necessary. Meaning you can start playing right away!
Attend Hogwarts online, enroll today!
The current muggle time in Hogwarts is 10:32 pm.
Next new game day in: 0h, 07m, 19s (real time)
The newest Hogwarts student is: Firstyeargirl leahwingsworth
The Famous Witch or Wizard Contest Leader is
@Moonlit Rose.
The most recent Hogwarts Champion is: Overlordess Xairdona
Enter your name and password to enter Hogwarts Live.
Don't have an account yet?
Create a character!
Please note that all passwords are case-sensitive.