Petition for Help Link

The Petition for Help link is NOT for you to ask us how to play the game. Nor is it for you to tell us you're dead, NOR is it there for you to say hi :|

We have a
Frequently Asked Questions section (with answers! :O). It is not there just to take up space. If you have a question, please check there first. If it's not there, maybe that means you are supposed to figure it out for yourself. Novel thought, huh?

The Petition for Help is to report game problems. You not knowing something because you didn't bother clicking and reading is not a problem >.>

An excerpt from our beloved FAQ:

A petition should not say
'this doesn't work' or 'I'm broken' or 'I can't log in' or 'yo. Sup?' A petition *should* be very complete in describing *what* doesn't work. Please tell us what happened, what the error message is (copy and paste is your friend), when it occurred, and anything else that may be helpful. "I'm broken" is not helpful. "There are salmon flying out of my monitor when I log in" is much more descriptive as well as humorous, although there's not much we can do about it. In general, please be patient with these requests - many people play the game, and as long as the admin is swamped with 'yo - Sup?' petitions, it will take some time to sift through them.

Thank you.

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